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Dovish Hokken

Dovish Hokken was a Jedi Knight during the Old Republic at the time when the Separatists were becoming a major threat. Using pirates to their own end, the Separatists contracted the Iridium pirates out of the Atrivis Sector to steal shipments of spice and grain from Republic convoys. The Jedi, whom the Republic turned to for help in the matter, put together a task force, led by Jedi Masters Belsed-Qan Idan and Kit Fisto, and one that included a Republic cruiser, the Monitor III, and a number of Jedi Delta-7 starfighters, new ships designed specifically for the Jedi.

The mission however, was intended to be peaceful, Masters Idan and Fisto wishing only to meet with the pirates for parley. However, the mission soon turned into a skirmish, as the pirates open fire on the Jedi task force. The pirates were famous for their gem technology, which they infused with their weapons to create an intimidating opponent. This gem weaponry was used to attack and cripple the Monitor III, an attack that killed a number of Republic judiciaries as well as Jedi Knights. Dovish Hokken was aboard the Republic ship when it was attacked, and unfortunately he was in fact killed. Dovish was a Jedi Knight, sworn to protect peace in the galaxy, a Jedi Knight who died in service to that ideal, and it can be sure that when death called for it, Dovish became one with the Force.